Quiet, How I Need the Quiet

Lake Opekawritten March, 2008 – after extensive travel, both business and pleasure….just gone a LOT

How I need the quiet.
It’s been a week of
constant people
being in new places
constant noise
and more people
(even at night,
my hotel room is full of people)

Days without time alone with You
Leave me on edge . . . restless.
I eat too much, thinking that will satisfy.
I check email too often.
I restlessly roam from room to room
accomplishing nothing of value.
I lose my focus as I
eat . . .
roam . . .
continually check email.
And then I realize I am procrastinating . . .
not finding the thing I need most . . .
time alone with You.

He did it again.
The enemy tells me I can still the
with things that don’t satisfy.
As long as He can keep me searching
in the wrong places,
I distance myself
from YOU,
the only one
who really satisfies.

Now I am sitting here by the Lake.
I look at the water . . .
I hear the noise of the suburbs,
and it is asking nothing of me.
At last, alone with You
I feel your peace.
I feel your heart for me.
I feel my heart for you.
Why did I wait so long?
Why did I try all those other things?
I didn’t even recognize it was the enemy
using what He knows best
to keep me from You.

God, the next time,
help me pay attention
to what is really happening
in my soul.
And look for the ONE
who truly satisfies.

2 Replies to “Quiet, How I Need the Quiet”

  1. This is a “place” to which I come back often–after trying to assuage the restlessness MY way; frequently w/o realizing what I’m doing….

  2. Carol, this is written with such beauty and honesty. I really resinated with the message you so beautifully shared. Trusting that today you will find quiet alone with our Jesus!

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