Noticing At lake Opeka

(“Noticing” at Lake Opeka)

Jesus, Do you have something here for me today? 
As I sit down here beside the lake I realize something.
I used to come and simply be quiet for a while 
when I arrived.

Now I find myself sitting down, picking up my phone 
and cruising through All.The.Stuff. I think I've 
been missing something. In truth, I'm sure of it. 

I put my phone away and notice
the leaves riding the wavelets, 
heading out into the lake except
they are not heading anywhere.
rather, pushed right on past me as
I watch wondering  how often 
I fool myself into thinking I am
moving ahead
when in fact I am 
because I am 
too distracted
to notice

8 Replies to “Noticing At lake Opeka”

  1. Thanks for putting this out there Carol. I feel alone and disobedient when I do this too. Alone, because I’ve not connected with the Lord, and disobedient because I’ve not put Him first. Phones and FB, all distract me.

  2. Being still… Why is it so hard!?. I have been reminded of my need for this recently as well and it feels good to know I’m not the only one who so easily get “busy” instead of slowing down and resting with Jesus.

  3. Ah yes, yes … the need to put down the phone. Shut it off, store it away. And appreciate the person, the vista, the truth that’s right in front of us, just begging to be embraced.

    Thank you for this truth, Carol …

    Blessings to you as we head into another autumn week, leaves and all.

  4. Totally get this, sadly. I, too, spend time alone fingering my phone far too often. Working on that, but it is strangely addictive and powerful, this connection we feel through such small pieces of technology! Hope your driving over country roads is refreshing today.

    1. Beautiful to get out in the country. It’s one of those weeks we run away to our place in Wisconsin (Timeshare we started years ago and so grateful we can do this. Yes – strangely addictive and powerful that small piece of technology!

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