I will never forget:
- My husband, Galen who loves my parents as his own and is my rock when I am falling apart. No one could have it better than I do when it comes to a spouse who honors his in-laws.
* Cousin Janet who kept me from flying apart by phone from Virginia when things began to unravel and Suzanne who went with me to talk to someone about options for where mom and dad could live if they moved here.
* Jan who sat with my mother several times so I could have a much needed break.
* Karen who said she wanted to walk with me through this. I said coming to meet her at lunch once a week would help – It still does and we still do.
* John & Jan, Ralph & Mary who spent the entire long day at the hospital the day of dad’s surgery.
* Brian who came to the hospital the day my dad was fading in and out of reality and we didn’t know if this was a new thing or temporary – it was temporary.
* My cousin Joyce who came and sat with mom and allowed me to “breathe” on what turned out to be the last day before she died.
* Leslie, who called and said “I will come to you, what do you need?”She brought lunch and took me to Lake Opeka.
* Jean who went into Mom and Dad’s house and packed up her china, Mary who traveled with me to Morton and spent a day packing and the men from Grace Bible church who helped load up the U-Haul and the men who were here at this end to help Unpack the same truck.
* Katherine, the church secretary who for two years has sent Dad the bulletin and a friendly note about what is going on at the church.
* Brian, my “little brother” who met me for coffee the day mom died, Karen who met me for lunch and cousin Joyce and Gary, her husband who gave us family connection that evening.
- Carol, who came from Montana for theÂfuneral and helped me start to clear out mom’s clothes and my cousins who drove from Kansas, and Pennsylvania for the funeral, knowing I had no siblings to stand by me that day.
* Donna who came from Virginia for the memorial service a month later and helped me go through more stuff.
* Ralph and Mary who said “Call us and we will come be with you when your mom is gone – we’ll come at any time.” They came at 4:30 a.m.
* My sons and their families who loved us and were there for us and grandkids who freely gave the needed hugs and kisses
* Aunt Lois and Uncle Elmer who came to visit from PA and gave us some time.
* John who makes sure Dad still has a ride to anything at church and is “on call” when we need him.
* God who was there and present most often through the people He sent to us.
Click HERE to read the Blessing Journey – Lessons Learned Part 1
Click HERE for BLessing Journey, part 2b
You have a wonderful large village because you planted seeds of kindness over the years to make a garden in love in your village.
Hon, You brought tears to my eyes as I remember as you have the many wonderful friends, family, and strangers (to me). Remember also those who came to one of the memorial services for mom. And those who sang and shared their memories of mom. I love you and all those who are your village!