Crashing Computers, Trips, Projects and Interruptions

Computer crash, the need to restore my journal program files from Carbonite, a trip to Virginia to a writer’s seminar by Vinita Hampton Wright, ( )  and a 100 page digital book project for a client  – – – and the end result is interrupted postings!  Oh,  and I also forgot my password to this…


Written August 20, 2010 “To be “pre-occupied” means to fill our time and place long before we are there. This is worrying in the more specific sense of the word. It is a mind filled with “what if . . . “. When we are preparing for eventualities, we seldom fully trust the moment.” Henri…

Waiting . . .

July 5, 2008 – Our Backyard, Des Plaines, IL Waiting . . . I picture myself sitting here at my picnic table, waiting for you to show up. . . And I realize I have it backwards. . You’re always here. It’s me that needs to show up!