My writing Process or How I write

Dear Family, I am going to include this in our family memoir.  Maybe those reading this here on my blog will also enjoy learning more about these things that make it easier for me to sit down, put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard as I tell you my story. “A practice is an…

An Open Letter to my Family on Why I Write

An Open Letter to My Family on Why I Write Psalm 78:1-8 a Loose Paraphrase (Scripture in Bold Italic) Listen to me, hear what I am saying. I am going to tell you stories and will share things I have heard and know, things that my ancestors told me. I do not want to hide…

Worship In My Own Words

A number of years ago, I attended a Worship Arts Conference. In one of the workshops, we discussed the  importance of leaders being worshipers not simply singers. Our role is to lead an draw lead others into worship. And to lead others, we must first be worshipers ourselves. One of the suggestions given to prepare…