written during a season of loss in 2006 – 7 months after Gordon died and 3 months after Galen lost his job at the church. My greatest fear – that I would lose the worship choir community which I found to be so life giving for me. I didn’t know how I would survive. Those months I lived in the Psalms – here is an entry from July 17, 2006-
Psalm 63:7 Because You are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.
Not I will….
I sing NOW.
LORD, singing can take place anywhere, anytime.
But some times it’s easier to sing than others.
Do you remember singing “Blessed Be Your Name” at the Memorial service for Gordon?
Oh yes, LORD, I couldn’t really “sing” because no song-sound would come, but I mouthed the words and “sang” them from deep inside.
Well, Carol, that’s what “singing” is all about here. It’s singing “in the shadow of my wings” because it’s the only safe place to be . . .the only place you can still sing from deep inside when the rest of the world is pressing in!
Oh LORD, let me keep “singing.”
Don’t let me lose the sense of Your Presence.
It was my constant prayer during that season of loss. Now I look back over the past 5 years and I see your faithfulness. It’s a good place to be.
Thank you for keeping us faithful, so we could see your faithfulness. It is Your doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. We stayed for another 5 years as God worked in and through us. Now we are starting another chapter of our lives. How grateful I am that I journaled so I can now look back and see your faithfulness – I can Remember and Celebrate your goodness.