Today is the seventh anniversary of hearing of my brother, Gordon’s is lost at the end of a day of hunting. He would be found two days later, having succumbed to hypothermia.
It’s a day I pause to honor and remember my brother.
This morning, Pandora Internet Radio randomly (?) played
“Be still and know that He is God.
Be still and know He is your Father”.
I don’t have the words to rest of the song in front of me . . .
It’s all I need this morning
on a day that shouts
Be Still – and the knowing comes from deep within.
This “deep-within knowing” comes
only when the noise, the distraction stops . . .
when the inner part of me,
what I know,
can be heard.
He is God
He is Father
These things I know!
Psalm 62: 11, 12
“One thing God has spoken,
two things I have heard:
“Power belongs to you, God,
and with you, Lord, is unfailing love.”
P.S. God: Thank you for giving me a father who represents your strength and tenderness.