Its nineteen 19 days post-op (from Knee Replacement Surgery). This is the photo and scripture I keep before me during these days.God does show up in the earthly things. I have learned more about myself and I suspect some of that learning will show up in future posts.
God has been with me each step I have taken and in each unwilling muscle stretched.
The brain fog seems to be lifting and I feel like I am “coming back.”
I am grateful for my husband who took on the care-giving role once again as well friends and family who stood by me during these days with meals, notes, and phone calls and listened to me on the days it all seemed too much.
(Join me on Facebook. I’ll be glad to see you there.)
So glad to hear that healing is becoming noticeable. Today is a hard day for me but it has become easier every year so I can see there is healing and ease even where sadness still lingers. Will continue to keep you in my prayers.
couldn’t have done it without you, Babe!
Carol, your courage to face the hard things has always amazed me!! You’re a shining example of courage to me…and I know to many others! May you continue to have a successful recovery and may God continue to lead you down a path that stretches your courageous spirit! Love you!
Kim, thanks for your words. I have been learning about the word “courageous” and understanding more what it’s about. Courageous and stoic sort of got mixed up together…i’ll probably write about is one of these weeks. THanks for your friendship
Cheering for Carol! alongside all the love and prayers sent your way, dear friend 🙂
thanks for all your support, Donna. You have been such a good cheerleader! I so appreciate you
It’s so good to hear of your progress, Carol. Keep up “your side” of the healing process. Don’t become discouraged in well doing! The “harvest” is just around the corner!
the dr. told me the light would come back on in the third week and I can see that is true! yes, pray i will no grow wear in well-doing. Really important in the coming weeks.
Just amazing! You are doing awesome! Love you. I’m so glad the fog seems to be lifting. I’ll keep praying and cheering!
I have been so aware of your love and support. Thank you dear friend and I know thoughts of your dad are very much present for you as you grieve the loss of him. loving you..
I’m so proud of her! She is doing all of her “work” well.