Remember/Celebrate – What’s All the Shouting About? #4

I’m taking time to notice these days. As I notice, I find ways to remember and celebrate by sharing here with you on Sundays.

The Heavens are singing about how great God is and the skies are shouting it out, “See what God has made!” Day after day… Night after night they are speaking to us. Ps.19:1-2  (Upper Wisconsin boat Tour)

For years we have been coming here to The Dells, driving through town, out into the country where we “get away.” We’ve seen the advertisements about the boat tour. Galen was here with his college geology class years ago. This area, noted for it’s sheer beauty and the unique geological formations went mostly unseen by us until this week. We took the tour.

Mostly I remember
a sense of contentment
breath deepening, slowing down
muscles softening and lengthening
Joy, and  . . . peace.

Is it any wonder?
being in a place that shouts of God’s creation
fashioned for his pleasure and for ours.

I was reading today about “Nature Deficit.” A quick research of the subject led to research showing there are beneficial changes in our brains when we spend time in nature.  It makes sense.

It’s more than the what I see.
It’s the shouting I hear.

A lovely paraphrase of Psalm 19:1-2 says it this way in “The Jesus Bible Storybook”:

The Heavens are singing
about how great God is;
and the skies are shouting it out,
“See what God has made!”
Day after day… Night after night…
They are speaking to us.
Psalm 19:1-2

I pray you will notice the “shouting” today and on into the days to come.

1 Reply to “Remember/Celebrate – What’s All the Shouting About? #4”

  1. You’ve made me think of that verse ‘godliness and contentment is great gain’ … I looked it up and it’s 1 Timothy 6:6.

    Thanks, Carol, for this winsome start to my day!

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