LORD: On this misty, rainy morning I sit here at the lake under the pavilion, pondering what it means to really trust You. It's been on my mind a lot lately. . So many changes Things happening I never expected, Things I couldn't control. Life feeling like it's upside down. Such a mystery - this thing called trust and the peace I am supposed to feel when I trust you. Sometimes I feel "peace," but feeling good when I see a way through seems more like trusting my resourcefulness than trusting You. I suspect true peace is more like when I can't see knowing You are in the chaos knowing it might not "turn out all right" at least according to me. It's the knowing You are patient with me as I work toward a place of trust. This morning,as I sit here, the breeze blows from the North bringing with it the fragrance from an early summer flowering tree.Going over to take a close-up picture, the scent grows stronger as I walk through the wet grass and the misty rain. I see the cream-colored flowers against the dark green foliage.
I touch the delicate petals.
My senses are overwhelmed and soon it's all I am thinking about . . . cream-colored, dark-green fragrant beauty. And I hear You say, Stay close to me, Let me overwhelm your senses. Stay away from the fray. Stop trying to figure it out. Your peace does not depend on "good news," things going the way you want or think you need them to go. Yes, Lord. I'll need your help. It's hard to live "in between" the problem and Your solution. I guess that's the whole point, isn't it God? Trust when I can see probably isn't trust at all.
Carol. I understand this through and through. Worries and troubles need to be totally surrendered. Peace comes through complete reliance on Christ. I finally realized that my desire for control was really lack of trust. A great Christian counselor and a book by Renee Swope has helped me realize this in the last few months. I am trusting that God will lead me on the right path this fall.
See you soon.
Julie Uher
Thanks for this. I am Charles and Syble Cook’s daughter. We have stepped out by faith to be missionaries to the US (still on deputation) and are now dealing with my 3 year old having bad seizures. I don’t know how it’s all going to work out and I’m just learning to trust. It’s easy to talk about trusting God until you have to live it to the extreme! I enjoyed this post.
SO wonderfully said, Carol! Your writings are a sweet confirmation to the trust I am living in. PTL that He alone is in control!
Margurite – its that invisible part that is hard sometimes isn’t it!
Elaine – thanks for your comment – I am glad they spoke to you. The original journaling was done June 15 – still simmering in my heart and mind!
christy = but oh so hard sometimes – it’s a much better place to be though!
Carolyn – And i am grateful God is patient as I get to that point of trust! thanks for stopping by!
Beautiful, Carol, and so very true. It is the complete trust that gives us rest and peace.
These are words that speak to my soul. Thanks for sharing.
Dear Carol,
Lovely post. Reminds me of a Facebook post that Faith/Belief is like WiFi. It is invisible, but you know you are connected.
I find learning to trust is a decision. It’s something we practice and as we frequent it more, it’s easier.We experience less stress and more of the joy God intended for us!