What Beach Glass Is Saying to Me

Sea glass, also called beach glass, is any glass that has eventually found its way to a body of water that has a sufficient combination of surf, sand, and stone to naturally tumble, smooth, and frost the shard into a genuine gem.” Sea Glass Journal.   While sea glass is processed by the salt water…

Finding God in the Goodwill Women’s Bin

Last week I posted at ThePerennialGen.com- sharing how I found God’s provision in the least expected and the most unlikely of places.  He does things like that. I was sitting in my chair mending the lace insets in my bras because I could not afford to buy new ones. Without warning, I burst into tears…

A Prayer for Those in the Second Half of Life

Last Saturday, I was asked to write and give an invocation at the  PerennialGen Workshop in Wheaton, ILwith the theme, “Growing Sage (wise) in the Second Half of Life”. Perhaps you will relate to this prayer I prayed for all of us there that morning. Oh, God, our  help in ages past All the ages…

Back On Our Feet

“I found him in bed when I came to visit this morning.” Kathy, my dad’s case manager was on the phone, calling from his apartment during her once-a-month visit. “Usually he is downstairs waiting for me. I think he may have broken his hip when he stumbled and fell  in his room this morning.” It’s…

More to Forgive

This morning is my first article at The PerennialGen – Growing Deeper Roots in the Dirt and Light of Midlife. A year ago I discovered Michelle VanLoon, a writer in a few suburbs northwest from me and co-editor of ThePerennialGen. Our connection has been a delightful one and an encouragement to me, personally. We have…

Thoughts for A New Year in April

I wrote this December 20 and here it still sits as a draft:) I do things like that. I thought, “I could wait till next December 29 and it would still be true,” but it’s true now April 23, 2018. I suspect some of you may relate to it also. If it does, I’d love…

What Love Is This?

  As I shared yesterday in my Holy Saturday post, I have been feeling disconnected from Easter.  In the past, music and the lyrics spoke to me of God and his love for me. I am no longer directly involved in a worship arts ministry, where each carefully chosen song and its words speak to my heart…

No One Says Much – A Holy Saturday Reflection

This year I have been feeling disconnected from Easter.  Maybe part of it has to do with traveling all month and not being part of Holy Week with our Church Community this year.  I think it’s also because it feels like I have lost my spiritual rhythms that used to be so natural for me. …

A Steadfast Love, Cascading

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. Lamentations 3:22 This morning the  preacher talked of this steadfast love as we worshiped with our son and his family at their church. We do this occasionally, finding it to be a sweet time. “Steadfast” love speaks of a loyal love full-of-resolve love steadily-directed love A recent…