Lilacs, Raindrops, Pine Needles & Peace

Friday morning in Montana.

We just arrived last night. The wonderful wedding craziness that is part of any wedding starts tonight with rehearsal. Tomorrow, Brian and Becca get married!

I am out here on the deck Gordon built. I miss him, but I am OK. I do love being here in Montana where Gordon lived his life. I look around and ask God if he has anything here for me in this beautiful place this morning before everything swings into action.

I breathe in the fragrance of the lilacs.
lining the deck where I sit.
I take deep breaths, slowly  . . .
breathing in and out . .  .
noticing the beauty of the fragrance
and of the flower itself.

I hear a bird calling and I follow the sound,
never finding him (her?)
but I enjoy the music.

As I continue to wander around the yard,
I notice raindrops
clinging to the pine needles.
Such startling beauty in simple things.

I think of scripture that tells me
I can know God
by the things He created.

Romans 1:20 – But the basic reality of God is plain enough. Open your eyes and there it is! By taking a long and thoughtful look at what God has created, people have always been able to see what their eyes as such can’t see: eternal power, for instance, and the mystery of his divine being.

I feel peace sweep over me.
comforts like a warm sweater on a chilly morning.
I grab my camera. I want to remember and celebrate this display of God’s goodness!

Thank you, God.

1 Reply to “Lilacs, Raindrops, Pine Needles & Peace”

  1. Love this blog, Carol. You have a gift with words but I especially love the photography. Pine needles and lilacs. Pretty.

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