Lord, I’ve been sitting here at the lake.
The assignment from my class is to
    “practice solitude” . . .Â
    to be quiet
    in Your presence.
I should just be honest and say
I know I should do this assignment.
But I’d really like to get going.
I have a lot to do today.
And just sitting here quietly
    in Your presence
    doesn’t seem very “productive.”
I should be
    reading scripture
              or at least
                   writing in my journal.
It doesn’t help that the ice cream truck plays on and on.
Lord, how can I practice solitude and quiet
     with “La Cucaracha”
    playing over and over? ”
Good!  It’s leaving now.
I’ll start over!
But the truck simply drives down the street
    to another location . . .
    And the music begins again?
Lord, what in the world am I to learn from this?
Ahh…quiet once again . . .
And I hear You say,
    “Don’t give up so fast.
No one ever said it was easy
    to just ‘be.'”
Dear Carol,
I enjoy navigating your beautiful website and reading your wonderful blog entries. Practicing solitude, journaling, praying and just being are particularly important as we engage in so much “busy-ness,” overscheduling and bombardment of music and videomessaging. I believe that we have to make a conscious choice to just be, to quiet our minds and to let the important messages and connections happen.
Cya, Marguerite