The gift of tears – is there room for them?

Diana Trautwein asks this question in her Living the Questions series on her blog,  Just Wondering this week.  This week I am linking my post to hers.  There has been a great discussion there in her online community.  You might want to spend some time there. Yes, Yes, there is room for my tears. Tears…

An Ash Wednesday Gift

An Ash Wednesday post This year on Ash Wednesday, I rejoiced in an out-of-season bloom from the cactus on my windowsill – God’s gift of Life and Beauty to me on a day intended to remind us of our mortality. 2012 was my first experience of living the Church year within a church community, although…

He will Carry Me

He will carry me  . . . . . This photo taken in 2007 when my son took his son to his first Cubs game.  It shouts the words “He will carry me!” Mark Shulz sings it best in his song “He Will Carry Me.”  It’s always the song that starts playing in my mind…

grieving without knowing

My little sister would have been fifty-three on Tuesday. Living only seven hours, too little to survive, she came and went on the same day. Again I am caught by surprise by how deeply you can miss someone you never saw, never knew and never was part of your life. Tuesday I cried for my…

To Those Who Would Keep on Comforting Me Part 2

In “To Those Who Would Comfort Me, Part 1″ ” which I wrote right after the first anniversary of my brother’s death,  (read it HERE)  I reference the things I noticed in the early days of my grief journey. The following is from a Sept. 2010 entry in my journal as I was approaching 5th anniversary…

When I Can’t See…

written Sept. 2008 during a time when I  struggled with fear. This post is part of the process of learning to trust again after the loss of my brother and grieving the earlier losses of two siblings as a child.  Even now, three years later, I still struggle at times with fear. What is also true…

Release of a Different Kind

Something is different this year! A letter to my brother, Gordon on his birthday… Dear Little Brother, It’s November 8th again, six years since you left us. And as on every anniversary, I release a red balloon for you, for our shared birthstone, a deep garnet. I take my red balloon to the clerk who…

Blessed Be Your Name

As Worship Choir Members, we are encouraged to spend time with one of the songs until it becomes a part of us, as a way of preparing our hearts to lead worship. Last night at choir practice we practiced, “Blessed Be Your Name” by Matt Redman. I find an unexpected disinterest in this song tonight…