Comfort and Peace – Advent

Second Sunday in Advent Comfort & Peace Life on the Vine Christian Community On a snowy second Sunday of Advent, this year, the sermon was about Hannah, and Eli, the priest, who sees her crying in the temple and accuses her of drunkenness. She tells him why she is praying (she has not been able…

Beginnings? Now?

    It’s becoming increasingly clear the last couple of years – the time I have left to live is less than the time I have lived (coming up on age 70, fifteen months from now will do that). In light of my musings (more like distress) about traveling this final leg of my earthly journey,…

Courage and Earthly Things

Its nineteen 19 days post-op (from Knee Replacement Surgery). This is the photo and scripture I keep before me during these days.God does show up in the earthly things. I have learned more about myself and I suspect some of that learning will show up in future posts. God has been with me each step…

Earthly things like surgery and God’s Voice

“There is no time, no place, no event so earthly that God cannot be there,speaking through them.These moments where earth is crammed with heaven. . .will go unnoticed,unless we realize the meek and the unassuming way that God characteristically comes. Ken Gire, “Windows of the Soul” – Grand Rapids; Zondervan, 1996, p. 44) With this quote…

Jesus, our Servant

John 21:9-13 “When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread. Jesus said to them, ‘Bring some of the fish you have just caught.’ Simon Peter climbed aboard and dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the…

Redemption & Resurrection

I Peter 1:18-19  It was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the preciuos blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.  All week long I have had this scripture in my concious…

A few words about a Fence Post

  joining with Diedre Riggs and The Sunday Community     From my August 2008 journal. The truth doesn’t change Just the details! Psalm 63:8 I hold on to you for dear life. And you hold me steady as a post. The Message A random photo while walking a country lane on Saturday. So much…

iphone maps and guidance

When we left our son’s home in Pennsylvania on July 18 to travel home to Illinois, I entered the start and destination info into my iphone map And there it was – the overview – a place to start, but hardly helpful for knowing how to get there. There were, however, steps which told me…

Telephone Poles, Wires and Lent

I notice the beauty the evergreens from my window freshly decorated with the overnight snow storm. And once again I am irritated by the clutter of telephone pole and wires. What if I could just clear it all away? How it would change the view! Lord, sometimes “telephone poles and lines” get in the way of…